Tuesday, 5 June 2012

i feel

Right now, i'm at the office, staring at my computer screen waiting for another email to come in from a client. In my heart I wish I wasn't here, but at home in my studio painting. Something. Anything. It's better than here.

I can hear all of my coworkers speaking with their clients, although i'm trying to tune them all out. I'd much rather have silence.

I can still smell the fig balsamic dressing that topped my super healthy lunch today, and I wish I had some more it tasted sooo good......in fact I can still taste it.

I feel full.

I feel stressed about our move in a few weeks (yes we bought a house).

I feel anxious as my hubby and I dont' seem to be on the same page right now, probably from all the stress with the move.

I feel...... scared

1 comment:

  1. While what scares us is different, know you're not alone.
    I found your blog from the Explorations group :)
